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Tatyana’s emotions are not in any sense “recollected in tranquility”, because her feelings are so strong. Otherwise she would not have such a strange dream. In her dream, she is chased after, trapped and intimidated. Her emotions are let loose against her will, because she could not bear them anymore. She is trying to imitate the heroine in Zhukovskii’s novel, a woman that separates herself from the external world and lives completely in her own. She imagines that one day she can write a romantic novel with her own experience in life. Yet unfortunately, she finds embodiment of this wish in Onegin, who is completely the opposite of her. When Tatyana finds out that Onegin is not her type of hero in the novels, she starts to doubt the love stories that she reads previously, and in the end she chooses to compromise with reality, and resolves to get married in the matching season during her stay in Moscow with her family. This compromise further proves Lensky’s initial comparison of Tatyana to Zhukovskii’s heroine. Pushkin sets up the characters’ personalities and backgrounds, and allocates them with different types of literary works. However, those characters can rebel against their settings, or they can also go with them. Still, no matter what kind of life they choose, they have to be responsible for themselves.

admin 26.07.2018 Reply

When Tatyana finds out that Onegin is not her type of hero in the novels, she starts to doubt the love stories that she reads previously, and in the end she chooses to compromise with reality, and resolves to get married in the matching season during her stay in Moscow with her family. This compromise further proves Lensky’s initial comparison of Tatyana to Zhukovskii’s heroine.

admin 26.07.2018 Reply

She starts to doubt the love stories that she reads previously, and in the end she chooses to compromise with reality. Onegin is not her type of hero in the novels, she starts to doubt the love stories that she reads previously, and in the end she chooses to compromise with reality

admin 26.07.2018 Reply

She is trying to imitate the heroine in Zhukovskii’s novel, a woman that separates herself from the external world and lives completely in her own.

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